Current signed iOS versions
- iOS 17.0.3 (21A360) Signed
- iOS 17.0.2 (21A351) Signed
- iOS 17.0.1 (21A340) NOT Signed
- iOS 17.0 (21A329) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.6.1 (20G81) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.6 (20G75) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.5.1 (20F75) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.5 (20F66) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.4.1 (20E252) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.4 (20E247) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.3.1 (20D67) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.3 (20D47) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.2 (20C65) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.1.2 (20B110) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.1.1 (20B101) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.1 (20B82) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.0.3 (20A392) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.0.2 (20A380) NOT Signed
- iOS 16.0 (20A362) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.7 (19H12) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.6.1 (19G82) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.6 (19G71) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.5 (19F77) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.4.1 (19E258) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.4 (19E241) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.3.1 (19D52) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.3 (19D50) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.2.1 (19C63) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.2 (19C56) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.1.1 (19B81) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.1 (19B74) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.0.2 (19A404) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.0.1 (19A348) NOT Signed
- iOS 15.0 (19A346) NOT Signed
- iOS 14.8 (18H17) NOT Signed
- iOS 14.7.1 (18G82) NOT Signed
- iOS 14.7 (18G69) NOT Signed
- iOS 14.6 (18F72) NOT Signed
- iOS 14.5.1 (18E212) NOT Signed
- iOS 14.5 (18E199) NOT Signed
- iOS 14.4.2 (18D70) NOT Signed
- iOS 14.4.1 (18D61) NOT Signed
- iOS 14.4 (18D52) NOT Signed
- iOS 14.3 (18C66) NOT Signed
- iOS 14.2.1 (18B121) NOT Signed
- iOS 14.2 (18B111) NOT Signed
- iOS 14.2 (18B92) NOT Signed
- iOS 14.1 (18A8395) NOT Signed
This information was grabbed from iDevice Central.
What is the iOS Signing Status (TSS)?
Only a small number of iOS builds—usually the most recent ones—are signed by Apple at once. This is to stop people from jailbreaking and freely downgrading to previous versions of iOS. The previous 1-2 versions of iOS may remain signed for a few more days or weeks after Apple releases a new version before becoming unsigned.
Unless you have saved SHSH2 blobs while the version of iOS was still signed, SEP and Baseband are compatible, and there’s a means to configure a Nonce Generator on the version you’re running, it is not feasible to downgrade or upgrade to an unsigned version of iOS.
You can keep track of the modifications to the signing of every iOS version for iPad, iPod Touch, and iPhone on this page. If you want to downgrade to a particular version, make sure to check here to see if it’s still signed beforehand, as Apple doesn’t announce when they sign versions anywhere.
Note: This webpage is updated with real-time data. The data is updated in minutes by the utilized API, either when a new version of iOS is released or an older one is no longer signed.