Download BioProtect XS Tweak – iOS 16 – 17.0 RootHide

To safeguard your Home Screen, Apple requires a secure authentication method like Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode. To get around this, you can enable BioProtect XS for some apps and Control Center modules on iOS 12—iOS 16 with a tweak. With this adjustment, your device is even more protected. Support for RootHide Bootstrap and Serotonin was recently added to the BioProtect tweak.

Add BioProtect XS Repo

You can get the BioProtect XS tweak from the Limneos Store for $2.99 in a DEB package. In order to activate app protection with Face ID or passcode, you can install the BioProtect XS tweak for iOS 16 by adding the BioProtect XS Repo to your choice package manager. You may also find BioProtect packages for iOS 11–iOS 17 in the official repository.

About BioProtect XS

To prevent unauthorized access to your apps and other devices, BioProtect XS is a great solution to have on hand. When you run an app or use Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode to unlock a secured item, BioProtect XS will prevent access.

Following installation, BioProtect XS will add a preference pane to the Settings app where you may adjust all the settings to your liking. You may enable and disable the tweak and adjust the security settings for all apps and essentials here. With this intuitive interface, you can easily adjust your device’s security settings to your liking, providing you full command over the safeguarding of your data.

With the latest version from Limneos, BioProtect XS now works with iOS 15–15.7.3 and iOS 16. Palera1n and XinaA15 Jailbreaks are now compatible with these operating systems, allowing you to run the tweak. You may further safeguard your apps and other important stuff from unauthorized access by installing this update.

BioProtect XS shields more than just the apps on your Home Screen; it safeguards all system elements. The tweak’s configuration allows you to prevent unwanted access to many areas of your device, including folders, settings panes, Control Center items, the power-off function, apps, Siri Access, and icon arrangement. Your sensitive information is safeguarded by this extensive security measure.

As a bonus, it comes with an experimental function called PhotoLibrary Forced Protection. Without authentication, BioProtect XS will try to prevent access to photographs from any unprotected app, even if protection is set. This functionality can be explored as an alternative to completely disabling the Photo app.

You may also establish a passcode as an additional layer of security with BioProtect XS. This passcode can be customized and specified in the BioProtect XS preference pane, regardless of whether your device has a Touch ID sensor or not. You can further safeguard your important possessions using this passcode, which is separate from the system passcode. You can select the authentication method that suits you best with BioProtect XS.

The customization choices in the tweak are extensive, and they include things like a reminder to unlock the session and the ability to receive vibration feedback whether authentication is successful or fails. When you connect to certain Wi-Fi networks, you have the option to disengage BioProtect XS automatically.

Commercial customizations for jailbroken smartphones, such as BioProtect XS, are made by Limneos Development. You can purchase this iOS security app for $2.99. All current jailbreaks, from iOS 12 up to iOS 15.7, are compatible with it. Another tweak from Limneos is AudioRecorder XS.

To sum up, BioProtect XS is an effective tweak that will give your iDevice an additional degree of protection. Passcode or biometric authentication is possible, and it comes with a lot of customization possibilities to make it work for you. The BioProtect XS is an excellent option whether you’re concerned about unwanted access or just want to personalize your iPhone.

Fugu15 Max Jailbreak is now compatible with the most recent version of BioProtect XS. This version includes a new package called BioProtect XS rootless, which is designed to work with the rootless jailbreaks for iOS 15. With this updated bundle, you may use a rootless jailbroken iPhone and still get all the benefits of BioProtect XS.

With Checkl0ck, you may activate Face ID on iOS 16, and a BioProtect passcode is required to use BioProtect. Bio Locker tweaks from IArrays are another option to consider in case BioProtect XS falls short of your needs. Here you may find comparable security features for your iDevice in a lightweight tweak.

The latest version of BioProtect is compatible with the Serotonin SpringBoard tweak injection toolbox for iOS 16 with RootHide Bootstrap. While this does not provide a fully jailbroken environment, it does allow you to execute customizations that are compatible with iOS 16 through iOS 16.6.1 and iPhones A12+.

How to add Limneos Repository

The most recent installation package for BioProtect XS is available in Limneos Repository. Apps’ protection tweaks can only be downloaded after the official repository is added to Cydia Sources on an iPhone. A new preference pane will be added to the Settings app after making the tweak. Keep in mind that the tweak requires a jailbroken device to work. You can install the BioProtect XS tweak by following these steps:

  1. Start by going to the Home Screen and opening the Sileo app.
  2. Click on the “Sources tab”, then “Edit”.
  3. Add the following repository URL:
  4. Find and install BioProtect XS or BioProtect XS-rootless.
  5. Respiring your iPhone to apply all changes.
  6. From the Settings app, you can get to the BioProtect XS.

Note: The tweak may only be purchased using a modern package manager such as Installer, Sileo, Saily, or Zebra. Cydia isn’t only out of date; it also doesn’t let you purchase tweaks.

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